About 5 years ago one of my clients got sick and she came in, we went online to search for wigs, and I was not able to help her. I called the wig company and the person on the other line asked, “why aren’t you doing this?” and I asked why I am not doing this. No one on this side of town is, so I put some research into it, and I started to pursue wigs. I started small and still am, but I strive for quality not quantity.

It is humorous, I can walk up to someone and kindly suggest that they should try a new hairstyle, but with wigs it’s a whole new ball game. You have no idea what is going on in someone’s life. Sometimes it is tragic and there is no way you can be that flippant, but here is the thing, the hair industry has come so far with wigs, that when my clients wear them, no one knows. I love this about the wigs – don’t get me wrong there are still wigs out there that need improvements. I won’t let my clients walk out without looking their best! 

In the past 5 years I have gained so much knowledge. For instance, how to get the wigs trimmed to fit head shapes, thinned down so they don’t look like they have bad hat hair, and use heat – which I forbid my clients to use on their own to mold to their heads. I want my client to walk out of my salon and have a new lease on life. Our hair is our crown and glory, and it has been hammered at us women our whole lives.  

I have been in the hair business for almost 40 years – who knew! Wigs were not my first passion, but I decided that if I was going to commit, I was going to succeed. When I was young, I spent most weekends in class and at shows – ha that’s how old I am. They had in person classes and big hair shows but now you can learn online. For me, all the work I put in in my youth has helped me to be able to look at my client and say this is your wig. I have had a couple of clients say that was no fun when trying on wigs, but  LOL I say try them all on, and they 9 out of 10 times get the one I picked. In hindsight, it may not have been my first passion, but I have grown to love the industry and what it provides.

I am diagnosed with ADHD ,so I have never had an office job, so I love that I have different people in my chair every half hour to an hour. The wigs have become my passion, and I love the way it can totally transform someone, physically and emotionally. Whether it be medical, hair loss, or my crazy girlfriends that have eight wigs just for fashion, I love the wigs!